
Migraine-inducing-posts due to poor english (grammar, spelling, etc.). You've been warned.

Wednesday, January 29, 1997


at 2:45 PM
*Prayer to God: when grateful; sinned; scared...

Dear God,

... "Thank you for everything..."
... "Forgive me for all my sins..."
... "Just don't let anything that bad happened..."

*Prayer to God: when troubled; confused; weak; tempted...

Dear God,

"I don't think I can carry this burden by myself. Pls. GIVE me STRENGTH to overcome this weakness & A CLEAR MIND to solve my problems..."

*Prayer to God: when happy & content...

Dear God,

"Thank you for making this day a happy one. More than words can say; I'm beyond words..."

*Prayer to God: when hopeless...

Dear God,


*Prayer to God: when irritated; annoyed; angry...

Dear God,

"Pls. help me count 1-10, very slowly.."

*Prayer to God: when beginning to hate someone...

Dear God,

... "Pls. always remind me that hate is worthless; waste of time & energy..."
... "Help me to turn this feelings down... I don't want it (hate)..."

*Prayer to God: when jealous; envy...

Dear God,

... "There's a reason for this feelings, I know. It means... something more good is about to come as soon as I get over with THIS..."

So, pls. help me get over with it quick!

..."I know I'm much better in other ways, so I'll stop this feeling, this instant!"

*Prayer to God: when alone & lonely...

Dear God,

"Please keep me busy!"

*Prayer to God: at night/when in grave danger; and ALL!!!

"Our father, who are in heaven, hollowed be thy name, thy kingdom come, thy will be done, on earth as it is in heaven..."

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